Pearl Harbor Attack- Dec. 8, 1941-Pt.2

2 months ago

This is the 2nd and final segment of the day after Pearl Harbor was attacked, Dec. 8, 1941. This segment includes the entire broadcast of President Roosevelt Declaration of War with Japan and commentary after his speech. The following broadcasts are:
1. 12:30 pm- NBCR Network. Congress Asking State War To Be Declared.
2. 1 pm- NBCR Network.Coverage After FDR Speech To Congress.
3. 1:30 pm- NBCR Network. Irving Miller's Lets Sing And Swing.
4. 1:45 pm- NBCR Network. News-Bert Silen And Upton Close.
5. 2 pm- NBCB Network. Vincent Lopez and His Orchestra.
6. 2:30 pm- NBCB Network. Latest News From the Far Eastern War Zone-
7. Time Unknown- NBCR Network. News With John W. Vandercook.

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