158.20241201 The 9/11 WarRoom

3 months ago

Defense Secretary Takes Control of Plea Deals in War Crimes Cases

Trump taps longtime ally Kash Patel to lead FBI — putting Christopher Wray on chopping block
See also: Kash's film Government Gangsters at https://warroom.film/

What Brought Down the Towers on 9/11?! RichardGage911 on REBUNKED w/ Scott Armstrong

Christmas DVD Special: 50%-Off at the RG911 Superstore!

Eva Bartlett interviews Ted Walter: ‘Now is the time to finally look critically at 9/11’

SAVE THE DATE: Dr. Madhava Setty to give Second Annual David Ray Griffin Lecture on Sunday, Dec. 15

Boston 9/11 Truth's interview line-up:
12/5 - Kristen Gasparini
See part 1 at: https://rumble.com/v5wnr12-singer-kristen-gasparini-joins-on-boston-911-truth-from-london-dec.-5-2024.html
See part 2 at: https://rumble.com/v5wyqs5-kristen-gasparini-on-boston-911-truth-1152024-part-2.html
12/12 - Magnus Langlete
1/2 - Wayne Coste/Craig McKee discuss Lloyde England and the Pentagon
1/9 - Andy Steele
2/6 - Nelson Martins
2/23 - Phil Restino
For more from Boston 9/11 Truth see Rumble.com/Boston911Truth or go to Boston911Truth.org

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===CHAT LOG================

17:02:56 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, even those outside the US :-D
17:06:45 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Again, Article One Section 9 Paragraph (or clause) 7 forbids the government from classifying anything. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-1/section-9/clause-7/
17:19:29 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
It was a fine b-day- thank you all. I will take credit for introducing RG to Jeremy Rees, the Alien Scientist.
17:21:48 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Sorry, it’s Rys not Rees- amazing dude. https://www.youtube.com/@AlienScientist
17:26:00 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’ve been wanting to connect a lot of the super intelligent people I’m aware of that are into the climate change crisis to the 9/11 truth movement. I’m sure a lot, or at least some of them, are aware but have remained publicly quiet.
17:30:55 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
17:33:48 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
17:35:41 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
17:52:19 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Everything is fine, just go shopping.
17:52:58 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I really trust Scott and Ray
17:53:27 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Who is in favor of a civi war within the White House?
17:53:31 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
17:55:04 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
And, lets be sure there’s a lot of stuff we want to get rid of in Building 7 before it’s gone
18:03:10 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:05:29 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Due to the construction of the nanothermite- the oxygen in in the mix, so it could / would continue to burn underwater
18:05:47 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The oxygen is in the mix.
18:08:15 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’m starting a new job, night shift, so I’ll likely miss 12/5 at 5;30. But I’ll try
18:14:31 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:21:25 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
If you want to know who is in control, consider who you cannot speak against.
18:23:09 From Gabriel Wood to Everyone:
If that was for me i’m just sick in bed
18:26:44 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
Holy crap
18:26:45 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:29:00 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
hell of job Brownie
18:31:56 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
I can’t find the Ralph Nader interview of lawyer William Francis Pepper who won a civil case for the King family. He is an interview by James Corbett

18:35:33 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Magnus has tapped into a bottomless pit. He won’t run out

===WHO WE ARE==============

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

Pittsburgh 9/11 Truth:

Archives at the bottom of 911WarRoom.com

===9/11 Truth Movement Partners===============
Richard Gage, AIA RichardGage911.org
International Center for 9/11 Justice IC911.org
The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry LCfor911.org or 911Lawyers.org
The Truth Action Project TruthActionProject.org

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