When God's Spirit FLOODS the Earth Will You Sink or Swim?

3 months ago

This week Shannon M. Gross continues with the Heart of the Matter series by discussing the next installment: Part 6, “The Father’s Heart”, by sharing a dream that depicts how certain groups of people—depending on where they are at in their faith journey (or not)—will react as they encounter God’s Spirit.

The dream I received from the Holy Spirit grouped people into four categories: The first are people with ‘surface’ Christianity. People who accepted Jesus (getting their ‘sweet’ salvation), but live daily to satisfy themselves, and don’t pursue a relationship with Christ. They may practice their faith by attending church when it’s convenient, but this group hasn’t established a solid foundation by seeking an intimacy with the Lord and as trouble arises, shaking their faith, and the enemy may easily choke them out from living the life God intended for them if they don’t change their ways and seek God with their whole heart.

They ignore God because they either did not grow up knowing Him or because they have willingly rejected Him. The Holy Spirit revealed God the Father loves them so much and if this group doesn’t open their heart and mind to encounter the Living God when His Holy Spirit comes upon them to rescue them from destruction with the news of the saving grace of Christ, they will remain lost in the kingdom of darkness in this life and the next. The dream points out explicitly that once someone is enslaved by sin, they cannot save themselves by their own efforts.

The third and fourth group resembled the twins from a previous dream reveal message (Tumultuous Times Ahead-https://youtu.be/w8Sfamr1rFs) released a few weeks ago where both were considered believers, but only one will act in faith and spread the Gospel as Christ instructed with the Great Commission. Whereas both groups realize they need the robust word of God in Jesus as the bread of life and the refreshment of the Holy Spirit to sustain and revive them, one group keeps it for themselves and doesn’t take the sharing of the Good News seriously. This group will sit back and watch their friends and family perish if they don’t decide to put their faith in action and reach the lost and dying world around them.

If this inspires you to share the Good News, I’ve taken the guesswork out of finding the right words to say by creating a short PDF titled, “Share the Good News in less than 5 Min.” This simple, quick download is an efficient way to offer the gift of Christ’s redemption to someone you care about so they can start their faith journey and build a relationship with God. Just go to the LiveYourFaith.co website and download it and send to your friend or loved one to start their journey of hope, healing, and restoration.

While Shannon prayerfully considers the meaning of her dreams and uses biblical references to understand their interpretations, she also turns to the book, Understanding The Dreams You Dream, by Ira Milligan, for additional insight. If you’re interested in learning more about your dreams and their meaning, check the book out at this link: https://amzn.to/3RFa81T

This message intends to bring inspiration, encouragement, and motivation to help you live your best life as you live your faith! Join us every week to continue building your faith so you can Live Your Faith and live your BEST life!

For more FREE powerful resources to help with your faith journey, please visit https://liveyourfaith.co/

Shannon is a student of Christ who has sat at the feet of Jesus ever since a health-scare shook her to her core. She reignited her faith and allowed the Holy Spirit to live and reign in her life which led to the creation of LiveYourFaith.co where she shares what she learns from the written word of the bible, revelation from the Holy Spirit, and lessons she learned during her personal journey to hear from God as she follows His will and ways. She hopes these messages inspire, encourage and motivate you to boldly live your faith so you can live your BEST life as you deepen your relationship with the Creator and fulfill the purpose and destiny He has for your life.

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