3 months ago

NESARA Compliance 👉 DOGE is going to take out the regulatory state (Deep State) As Steve Forbes has pointed out, socialist-type central planning in the modern age operates through the hundreds of thousands of unelected bureaucrats who exercise their vast power over the economy through over 220 regulatory agencies. That's right — 220. That’s your regulatory state.

There will be no fanfare or public announcement when the QFS is activated. There are those in the financial industry and some in the intel communities as well as those who will redeem or exchange, who will know that the QFS has been turned on but there will be very few “tells” to the general public that it has been activated and fully functioning. The banks will go through their own transition as they lose major sources of income and become insolvent and go into receivership. But the Alliance wants this to be as seamless as possible. The transition will include White Hat individuals within the banking system who will continue the functions of a bank with personal access to the QFS, so they can serve the customers. This will be concurrent with the Financial Services Industry taking over the overhead and the payment of salaries to maintain banking services. Obviously, a customer may ask questions as to why their account was not dinged for an overdraft fee, but the Teller can just say we don’t do that anymore. Ron Giles

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