The Oklahoma City Bombing - The Story of Ruby Ridge, Waco and Timothy McVeigh

2 months ago

Here is the story of the Oklahoma city bombing and how the events in Ruby Ridge and Waco persuaded Timothy McVeigh to carry out the worst domestic terrorism in the USA.

0:00 Intro
2:24 McVeigh's upbringing
4:35 McVeigh's experience in the Army and War
4:49 About the Turner Diaries
7:13 Desert Storm
11:28 McVeigh's return to civilian life
13:53 The Standoff at Ruby Ridge
17:21 David Koresh, The Branch Davidians and tragedy in Waco, Texas
22:00 About the Covenant, the Sword and the Army of the Lord
26:05 Clinton's election and how America was changing in the 90s
28:16 McVeigh's travels and life just before bombing
33:44 McVeigh chooses date on anniversary of Waco and Richard Snell's execution
34:53 Lead up and final plans for bombing
36:00 The explosion, his escape and arrest
39:12 McVeigh's trial and execution
39:35 Terry Nichols sentencing
40:23 Michael Fortier sentencing and plea deal
40:45 Conspiracies, final thoughts and conclusion

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Jeremy Jenkin

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