Elon on 1% of fed employees go to work, The View called out by Charlamagne | Ep. 480

2 months ago

Today on The Topping Show Biden may give a blanket preemptive pardon for Fauci, Jaguar type 00 in blue is sad blue, drug maker Lilly to invest 3B into expanding facility in Wisconsin to meet demand for obesity drugs, Charlamagne goes on the View and calls out their bias against Trump, Illegal migrant complains she only got free housing and bad food, Elon notes only 6% of federal employees go to the office full time and even less when you discount security and maintenance roles, Boston city council votes to protect illegals from feds trying to deport them, and Polaris recalls some of its offroad vehicles, all that and much more on the Topping Show. #business #culture #politics #businessnews #trump #biden #kamalaharris #elon

0:00 Intro
1:38 Business
1:40 Lilly investing 3 Billion to expand WI plant for obesity
8:01 Culture
8:03 The View called out by Charlamagne for their lies about Trump
14:04 Illegal migrant complains she only got “free hotels and bad food”
22:15 Jaguar Type 00 in blue is sad blue
27:38 Politics
27:40 Biden considering pardoning Fauci, Liz Cheney Adam Schiff
33:30 Elon on Only 6% of federal employees show up in person full time, 1% if you discount maintenance and security
40:39 Boston city council votes 13-0 to protest illegals from fed deportation
49:17 Business Blunder
49:19 Polaris recalls off roaders RZR 1000 and XP 4 1000 ROVs

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