UNIT Follow The Nonscience.

3 months ago

Note: all tracks recorded under the names Academy 23 or UNIT are the property of DNA Records and protected by copyright, regardless of who wrote the works concerned. This is a track from The Voice Of Reason, our 48th album, recorded in July 2021. Dedicated to Amala Ekpunobi of Prager University.

Oh, Doctor Fauci, we are so grouchy, because you tell the public so many lies.
Oh, how I wish you were served up on a dish...together with a steak and fries.

Dear Dr Fauci, can you actually tell us what you think?
It seems to me your students have been spiking every single thing you drink,
for how can a man change his mind...so many times in a week?
If all you said was true then our future would indeed be rather bleak.

You said you never funded that lab in Wuhan...yet you did (yes you did),
so please stop behaving like a spoiled and stupid little kid.
Follow the (non)science and this is what you’ll find:
a man with nothing significant in his tiny mind.

Oh, Doctor Fauci, we are so grouchy, because you tell the public so many lies.
Oh, how I wish you were served up on a dish...together with a steak and fries.

Text & Music – Andy Martin.

If you are interested in the work of 2 earlier groups, The Apostles (1982-1989) and Academy 23 (1990-1997), each related to certain members of UNIT, their complete recorded works can now be found on our Bit Chute channel. Type Bit Chute Andy Martin to locate it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The paypal address is now ctmurrell1970@gmail.com.

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