Below-Replacement Fertility: This Is How the World Ends—Not with a Bang, but a Whimper - UK Column

2 months ago

Below-Replacement Fertility: This Is How the World Ends—Not with a Bang, but a Whimper
Full news and all the source links:
- What the Hell is Going On? (Substack): WTH Where have all the people gone?—by Danielle Pletka
- The Guardian (2015): China’s brutal one-child policy shaped how millions lived, loved and died
“It’s not crazy to think about the impact of China’s shrinking youth demographic. In China, of course, decades of forced abortion to enable the one-child policy also means fewer women to marry as well.” Danielle Pletka
- American Enterprise Institute: Nicholas Eberstadt
- The Federation of Catholic Family Associations: The impact of pornography on demography

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