Pearl Harbor Attack, Dec. 7, 1941-Pt.2

3 months ago

This is part two of the Pearl Harbor Attacked on Dec. 7, 1941. This segment covers the following:
1. 4 pm- NBCR Network. Sylvia Marlowe Richard Dyer Bennett Show.
2. 4:09 pm- NBCR Network. KGU Honolulu Report.
3. 4:30 pm- NBCR Network News.
4. 6 pm- NBCR Network. Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis.
5. 6:30 pm- NBCB Network. Drew Pearson Robert S Allen Commentary
6. 6: 45pm- NBCB Network. Eleanor Roosevelt Program. The first lady had her own weekly show for a while.
7. 7pm- NBCB Network. News Roundup.
Please excuse some of the sound qualities of these broadcasts. We are lucky that these recordings still exists.

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