NT Framework 67 The Day of Pentecost

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SBC Family,

Good afternoon! I'm sending you notes on Acts 2:1-16. This is the Day of Pentecost. It's a background walk through of the historical event so we can discuss the doctrinal ramifications: the Holy Spirit. Tomorrow we'll focus on observations of what happened on Pentecost. Then the next week we's focus on Peter's explanation. Pentecost in May of AD33 was a huge day in the plan of God and we want to understand it. I have attached notes, but I will probably not follow them closely. I don't like following a PPT of notes when teaching. I like for us all to have our Bible's open and reading in the text itself. It was my fault I got behind on the PPT slides last week for that very reason. Then I'd try to catch it up. Very annoying. Paul didn't have PPT. Neither did Jesus. And when I'm doing verse by verse it is more limiting and doesn't permit me the freedom to expound and explore all the related texts. So, I can't promise anything for PPT, but I have the notes for you to peruse!

My love,



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