Initiation into the Religion of the Eternal Sea.

1 month ago

This visualization includes a threefold initiation into the principles of the authentic religion of the eternal sea. First, an oath-taking, second, a declaration of human rights and third, an oath on 16 Devilish principles. After this visualization, I will explain in the conclusion how to make contact with the religion of the eternal sea. Yes, even a homeless person can benefit from this. Suitable for people aged 13 and over. I teach in 2 languages: Dutch and English. So make sure you master one of these languages ​​first! Consultations are also in Dutch or English.

You may come across this visualization in a language other than Dutch or English, and that is because I have managed to translate it using Google Translate. I myself do not speak that many languages: I am a Dark Pope or Black Pope or Popess with a white skin. However, I have fallen very high in the favor of The God of the Eternal Sea and have been chosen. That is not a (delusional) idea that I cherish but a fact. A fact that I also try to keep hidden because it is true that the witches' funeral pyres are still smoldering and I have a very bitter aftertaste in my mouth from 'white' witchcraft and magic as well as from the contemporary 'black' magic. Such capital-based temples and churches and lodges appear to be 100% UNRELIABLE!!!

A true Satanist must indeed be seriously concerned. Anyone who is accidentally born on the - for them, not for the Devil however - wrong day is not sure of his/her life. Plus many other disadvantages with that. While a specific birthday corrupted by Christianity says NOTHING about this person.

The birthday of the Antichrist on June 6 was invented by Hollywood and is NOWHERE mentioned in any holy scripture. What is striking in this respect is that Jesus is said to have sworn to be reborn on Easter Sunday. Or is that that specific LIE that the book of revelations speaks about? Because with that Christians make it impossible for the antichrist who may have been born on that exact date to join any temple that is supposed to be dedicated to the Devil. It could even be that Easter Sunday was the birth of Nero? Easter is a pagan holiday stolen by Christianity. It is not the only lie that is in the Bible.

But unfortunately people take everything for granted and for the antichrist's (or her?) birth I have to assume a backward Hollywood fantasy?

I have better things to do. Just listen to this visualization.

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