I Went to Greece to Debunk the Lies About Blue Zones

10 hours ago

In this video, I uncover the lies of plant-based diets in the Blue Zones…

If you truly want to thrive, make meat and organs the center of your diet. This is why I created Lineage Provisions. Giving you real foods in the most convenient way.

I respect anybody who makes an intentional decision about their diet but there are a lot of misconceptions around plant-based diets for longevity…

Meat and organs are the most nutrient-dense foods for humans, this is very difficult to argue against…

They contain many unique nutrients you won’t get elsewhere in meaningful amounts…

Removing meat from your diet ROBs you of many vital nutrients (vitamins, minerals, peptides) needed for optimal health…

Animal foods allowed humans to thrive and evolve for hundreds of thousands of years…

It's always meat / organs / fruit / honey / raw dairy.

This is an ANIMAL-BASED diet, and I believe this is the most optimal diet for humans on the planet...

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