Cyberpunk 2077 Nomad Ep183 - V, Road Warrior (No Commentary)

2 months ago

Every time I go out into the Badlands, I find myself wishing it was bigger.

It should have been x5 the size, with more than just a light scattering of small gas stations, a ghost town and a motel. The town that Nomad V visits at the very start of the game, that whole area should have been kept in the open world. If they can make the passage in and out of Dogtown like a border checkpoint, I don't see any reason why they couldn't keep the state border crossing a functional way back into the Nomad prologue.

If the player goes back and runs into the Sherrif and the mechanic of that little town, have them recognize Nomad V again. Again, the Badlands should have been way larger, stuffed with enough gigs and side jobs to keep the player away from Night City for hours on end if they so desired.

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