Predictive Programming: DEWs and Weather Warfare

1 month ago

And oh yea, the antichrist!
Famous scene from the movie Flash Gordon. Have we experienced collapsing skyscrapers, earthquakes, hurricanes and other disasters lately?
Stuff like that would never come from space. And there was no plan for a blonde hero to "save" us from it all, was there?
Has ALL of this been planned?
Flash Gordon is a blonde man who saves the earth from a villain using weather warfare against the people there.

The whole movie is predictive programming about what is happening right now. Is a blonde man about to save us from this nightmare we've been living?

Luke 10:18  And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. 

Rev 9:1  And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 

What you are not being taught by a majority of churches today, is that Satan himself isn't some ugly devil with horns. Nor is antichrist a dictator coming to chop people’s heads off. Quite the contrary.

That's a convenient image you've been handed, so that when he actually does show up, as the beautiful angel (man) that he is, to save you from his "ugly side" and their followers, you'll be fooled into thinking he's Christ.

What they don't teach you is that Satan comes first before Christ, pretending to be him, saving the world from "the devil" (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12).

He's the ultimate trickster, and he's got the whole world tricked right now.

Don't fall for the great deception coming upon all the world. The "great awakening" and "MAGA" is just more of his trickery, as Paul says, he disguises himself as an angel of LIGHT (darkness to light, etc).

Trump is just a precursor of this savior.

See that you are not deceived.

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