The Clash Is Unfolding by Walter Veith

2 months ago

The conflict seems unavoidable.
We are in the midst of it and experiencing the fulfillment of biblical prophecy right before our eyes.
Every day brings new surprises, and as humanity struggles for prestige,
the great battle between light and darkness swells to new dimensions.

And in the midst of this confusion, God's quiet voice calls out:
»Get ready!« »Get ready!« »Get ready!«

We are experiencing the most exciting time in the history of mankind,
because God is about to release the four winds.
But His reluctance so far is due to nothing other than the lack of preparation of His people.
The reflection of His character. The fulfillment of the task He has entrusted to His people.

While partners in America and Rome are getting ready, God's people need to awaken now.
How is it in your life, have you made the decision for Him?
Are you ready to face this inevitable CLASH?

This lecture by Dr. Walter Veith will help you to make a concrete decision
for Jesus Christ, and: to inspire others to accompany you on this path. Today!

With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry on YouTube.

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