Is the Bible true? What is the Bible? What does reading the Bible do?

1 month ago

Is the Bible true? What is the Bible? What does reading the Bible do?

Welcome to Day 5 of our challenge!

Welcome to Day 5, family! We are so thankful you are doing this with us - together! We got this!

Day 5: Read the Word Day and Night

Our daily bread is the Word! Not eating physical bread doesn't make us sick! Not reading, consuming the Word makes us sick.

When we read the Word day and night - this is the renewal of our mind!

We go astray for two reasons.

1. We do not know the Word

2. We do not know the power of Alohim

The renewal of our inner being / our mind is when we meditate on the Word day and night; read the Word day and night; and apply the Word to our lives.

Otherwise, if we are not reading the Word - who are we allowing to put thoughts in our mind? What are we renewing our mind with? Take every thought captive family.

Reading/Thinking on it/Applying it - the Word is literally healing to our flesh. Praise YAH!

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