ACLU Transgender Lawyer Says TWO-YEAR-OLDs Know They're Trans

3 months ago

Posted • December 4, 2024: The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in a case regarding Tennessee's law banning 'gender affirming' surgery for minors. We've written quite a bit about the case today, but here's an...interesting interview from yesterday with the ACLU's transgender lawyer. Who is literally arguing that toddlers know they're trans and we should 'affirm' their gender. Watch (and trust us, nothing will prepare you for that voice): ACLU transgender lawyer says children should be allowed to be castr*ted, stating that even two-year-olds know when it's time to transition. Nothing could prepare me for this voice. Transgender Chase Strangio will be arguing before the Supreme Court in favor of trans surgeries for minors. "These are young people who may have known since they were two years old exactly who they are, who suffered for six, seven years before they had any relief."

"It's not the kids who are consenting to this treatment, it's the parents who are consenting to the treatment." - "And as a parent, I would say when our children are suffering, we are suffering." - Wow. So… My 3-year-old says give me a margarita, I’m required by law to say no. My 3-year-old says give me a cigarette, I’m required by law to say no. My 3-year-old says give me a sex change, I have to make a doctor’s appointment? Pretty much. They can't smoke or drink until they're 21. Can't buy some guns until they're 18 (or 21). Can't get tattoos until they're 18. But they can decide to castrate and sterilize themselves when they're two. There are precisely zero 2-year-olds that think about their genders. Only sick and demented adults push gender ideology on children. If they just LEFT THE CHILDREN alone, they statistically grow out of any gender delusions. This is the woke sht that needs purged from society. Trans two-year-olds. It's really time for these cultists to fuck off now. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - ACLU Transgender Lawyer Says TWO-YEAR-OLDs Know They're Trans

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