THEY ADMIT IT: VACCINE CAUSES MASS DEATH! - Fools Continue To Line Up For Jab! - Bird Flu Hoax

3 months ago

THEY ADMIT IT: VACCINE CAUSES MASS DEATH! - Fools Continue To Line Up For Jab! - Bird Flu Hoax

Josh Sigurdson reports on the continuous push too get people medically sterilized and killed by the Covid vaccines as New Zealand cardiologists concede that indeed, the Covid "vaccines" destroy the heart with cardiotoxins utilizing spike proteins created by mRNA.
As the Bird Flu hoax continues and the mainstream media is claiming that the first child case of Bird Flu has been discovered in California, cardiologists are coming out in big numbers to expose the mass die-off from the "Covid injections."
It's worth pointing out that Covid was never isolated from a single human being ever and was only cultured in vero monkey kidney cells, then compared to a computer simulation. With that said, the first time "Covid" was mentioned by a government was in a 2018 letter to Fauci from DARPA which called "Covid" a "vaccine induced illness."
Now that we're seeing a massive die off which has been a growing problem for years now, 8 million people in England say they're going to line up for the latest deadly booster shot. It's truly incredible how foolish people are and how blind they're WILLING to be.
Studies are also coming out showing that masks caused massive psychological and physical problems in people, even years after they stopped wearing them.
Meanwhile, "scientists" continue to develop "mosquito vaccines" which will force inject you with strange genetically modified biology and potentially mRNA in the coming years.

In this video, we explain what all of these latest stories mean and why they're important as we see a global shift towards technocracy utilizing the scam of "Covid" among other things to bring in the Great Reset.

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