Features of Beretta 1301 Tactical Mod 2 Semi-Auto Shotgun - New for 2024

3 months ago

The Mod 1 Gets An Upgrade – Introducing the Beretta 1301 Tactical Mod 2 Shotgun! Including a Limited Edition 1301 Tactical Mod 2 with Chisel Machining Stock!
Hi, I’m John with Beretta, we’re at the Beretta Range Day for SHOT Show, and I wanted to take you through a couple changes here we’re making to the Beretta 1301 shotgun. What I’m holding in my hand is the new Mod 2. So lets talk about the features of Beretta 1301 Tactical Mod 2. It’s going to look very, very similar to the Mod 1 with some changes made to it.

What is the difference between Beretta 1301 and 1301 Mod 2?
First and foremost, if you look at the trigger group area here, it has a flat trigger now. Has a semi-flat trigger on the trigger group. When I go ahead and close the action, you’ll notice the lifter stays up. This is the new Pro lifter. Keeps the lifter itself up and out of your way for quick reloads. So, a semi-flat trigger, Pro lifters changed on the Mod 2, also the fore-end itself, has the M-LOK on the fore-end now, and a better grip texture to the gun. So those three things, and the fourth is the tube itself is now a two-part tube. It’s a cap. So, it’s a two-part tube where I can actually remove this and change it out and add different links or an extended mag tube to the shotgun.

Traditionally, in the last couple of years shipping the Mod 1, have shipped just the standard stock and the pistol grip in black and that was it. We’re bringing back colors in 2024. We’ve already started to ship the flat dark earth this year. We’re shipping this both in the standard stock, the black and the standard stock, and both are still coming with a pistol grip from Mesa Tactical. Give us a few more months and we’ll get back to bringing out the OD Greens in the Wolf Greys as well.

The last thing I wanted to talk to you on the Beretta 1301 Tactical Mod 2 is this model here. This is unique. You’ll notice that the stock has changed. It has all the same features that we just covered here. But this is the Chisel Machining stock, so a much different stock. It allows you to mount a red dot right on the top of the back part of the group of the stock here, on this one we have the Trijicon SRO, allows you to use AR-style grips that you can change out. A lot of versatility for changing length of pull, where you rise and lower the cheek mount for the shotgun, gives you a wider field of view, having your red dot back here.
This will probably be something we do as a special one-off limited edition type series that’ll come later in the year, and it will not be probably in run. The in run guns will be these, as well as the Mesa Tactical stocks. This will be a Limited Edition run. For more information on the Beretta 1301 Mod 2, you can visit the Beretta website or for availability and for purchase, go visit GunBroker.

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