Field Experience Required

1 month ago

Desk Jockies Need Not Apply.!!
If you are to oversee a Cabinet Department, it is essential that you have actually worked in the field of operations for optimum perspective.
Like Brendan here, like Tulsi, like Kash, like Pete... The List as of December 2024 of onboarding appointments is full of extremely accomplished appointees. They have done the work.
The Media hates them all... The loyal opposittion hates them all...
The Establishment hates them all...!!!
The proper discussion to have is not to equivocate whether or not to remain steadfast in the selection just because opponents hate them all... That is THE reason to stay steadfast, right.!
Course correction is the Election's mandate and disruptors are the pathway to the course correction.
Selections should be acclaimed if the opponents hate them all.! That makes the selection is even more valid and appropriate. The question of qualifications should be... "Have you done the work.!"
Brendan obviously has.!

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