The New World Order – A 6,000 Year History of Secret Societies – “The Matrix of Control”

2 months ago

***MUST SEE -- *One of my Top 20 Favorite Videos → “The Birth of the Illuminati.”

Lot’s of information in this video documentary. This is the History that we all need to know. It tells us where we have been and we were are going.

Includes a lot of history that we were lied about.

A detailed and complete 6000-year history of the New World Order and the Illuminati. Includes the history of the Secret Societies, Ancient Beliefs and the Matrix of Control that has shaped human history for thousands of years.

The Downfall of America was right after it was founded, after the War of 1812 – which we won over the Rothschild’s British Empire at first, but then we were in so much debt we had to concede to the Rothschild’s Private Central Banking System and private banking recharter was renewed.

In 1832 Andrew Jackson vetoed the private bank.

In 1835 President Andrew Jackson had a $35 million surplus. This was the only time in American History that America had balanced its books.

American Civil War – The Rothschild’s wanted their Private Banking System back – they wanted to Reclaim America by controlling all the money, once and for all.

A Divide & Conquer strategy was developed by the Rothschilds to force the North and South to go to war. This was a set up.

The North was to be controlled by Lionel Rothschild of Britain and the South was to be controlled by James Rothschild of France.

This was really a war of the International Bankers vs America. President Lincoln had to figure out how to fight them and how to pay for this fight.

So Lincoln came up with a brilliant solution called the “Greenback.” The Government would print its own Interest Free Currency that would be backed and later redeemable in GOLD.

The Bankers HATED Lincoln for this and had John Wilkes Booth kill him.

Booth was a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle.

Lots of good stuff in this one.

Also includes for the first time, a documented history of the true birth of the Illuminati and finally, its effect on the world today.

Black Nobility --

Giuseppe Mazzini became the head of the Illuminati in 1834. Mazzini formalized the MAFIA.

MAFIA – Mazzini Autofizza, Furti, Incendi, Avvelengmeni – meaning Mazzini Authorizes Thefts, Fires and Poisonings.

**Good to Know – What has been happening in America lately?

Skull & Bones – Prescott Bush, George Sr & George Jr were members. It is said that Prescott Bush stole the Skull and Bones of Indian Chief Geronimo and placed the skull in the tomb a source of “Spiritual Power.” *See Source #3 below.

To See Full 12 Page Description of what is in this video with all the Sources used and Free PDF Books, go here – there will be links back to this video →


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END. 12/10/2024 9:00 PM

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