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John 1:14 New King James Version
14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

You know guys, as I was reading this morning scripture, God brought to my mind, something that Pastor Greg Laurie stated in his blogs from the last two days, on this very issue and I had to share some of what he said. He states, “In Jesus, God spelled Himself out in a language we can understand. God became a Man.” He goes on to share how “God decided to descend from Heaven to Earth and be born in a manger as a helpless little infant. From our perspective on Earth, a child was born. From the Father’s perspective in Heaven, a Son was given.” The purpose of this? To clean up the toxic mess of our sin, a mess that we could never clean ourselves.

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things that I learned from this morning scripture, as well as other interesting passages from God's word, on this very issue, on the fact that the Word of Life is here, and that's what we celebrate this year. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends, and learn about the life that has appeared, and how you can have Him in your life too! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they will help you see and be thankful for the incredible gift that God has given us, in his son Jesus, the Word of Life, who provided redemption for all of us.

How might you be trying to clean up your own mess?

How will you give your struggles to Jesus today?

I want to reach out to those who they're struggling this year, maybe with the toxicity of family, the loss of a loved one, or something else that's really got them down this year, to let them know that if you know Christ is savior, and you're struggling with this, know that God is there for you, and that you can give those struggles to Jesus, and let Him take care of them. But I also reach out to those who don't know Christ, and they're struggling with the toxic mess of their sin, to let them know that Jesus has provided the answer, the solution, the resolution, the payment to your sin, and all you have to do is accept it. I invite you all today, to accept the free gift that God offers though His son Jesus and come to know the Word of Life as never before! Here's a link below to know more.



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