DNA contamination in COVID jabs exceeds allowable limit by up to 384x, laboratory finds

2 months ago

Prof. Brigitte König of the Magdeburg University in Germany has researched Pfizer-BioNTech COVID jab fluid from 5 different batches for DNA contamination. All batches turn out to be significantly contaminated.

The maximum allowable DNA contamination is 10 nanogram per dose. The actual contamination has been found to exceed the allowable limit by a minimum of 83x and a maximum of a whopping 354x!!!

The laboratory analysis has been ordered by biologist dr. Jürgen Kirchner who says that when such exorbitant contaminations are found in medical products, paragraph 5 of the Medicines Act mandates that the product be taken off the market immediately. None of this is happening; in fact, the product is still being actively recommended and promoted.

Of course there are many more reasons to take the product off the market considering that it is unnecessary, counter-effective and has many more proven toxicities.

DNA contamination in genetic jabs can plausibly lead to cancer, gene integration, passing the genes on to one’s children, and auto-immune disease, according to prof. Buckhaults and many other experts including dr. Kevin McKernan and dr. Janci Lindsay.

The excess contamination is even more disturbing because the gene therapy is significantly different than regular ‘vaccines.’ With regular vaccines, the immune system quickly notices and destroys foreign DNA. Also, this DNA also has much trouble to pass cell walls.

With the gene therapy, this differs significantly. The foreign DNA is protected by lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), so immune system doesn’t destroy it. Also these LNPs allow easy access to cells. The LNPs are very comparable to Trojan horses. Said differently, the allowable limit of contamination of gene therapy products should be significantly lower than for regular products, but it isn’t.

Prof. Emanuel Wyler thinks this is all big nothing burger. He says that DNA contamination in vaccines is normal, but as described above, the levels of contamination are exorbitantly above acceptable limits, and DNA contamination in gene therapy is infinitely more dangerous than in regular vaccines. Prof. Wyler even doubts that there is any contamination at all, even though it has been proven by multiple independent laboratories.

Other domain experts are still giving both the pharmaceutical companies and medical authorities the totally undeserved benefit of the doubt.

The Paul Ehrlich Institute (German equivalent for FDA), who seems to be responsible for all of Europe, says they don’t check for DNA contamination and instead completely rely on the pharmaceutical companies. The latter have a perfect track record of ONLY caring about their own interests and NOT about public health.

It should be noted that the Paul Ehrlich Institute refuses to test for contamination even after multiple independent laboratories have measured astronomic excesses. Also, they continue to lie to the public that they are thoroughly testing the products to safeguard public health.

The German Ministry of Health counters that some of the tested batches were already expired. This is irrelevant, because DNA contamination does not multiply after expiry. In fact, some contamination might have already decomposed. In other words, if the batches had been tested earlier, the measured contamination might have been (much) worse.

The journalists wanted to order their own independent laboratory tests of the COVID jabs. They contacted 20 laboratories repeatedly — both German universities and private providers — but none wanted to do the tests.

The report discusses the bait-and-switch by Big Pharma. The initial jabs were produced using PCR technology (Process 1) which leads to low contamination, but is unsuitable for mass production. When the jabs were approved for marketing to the general public, they switched to a different production process using microbes (Process 2), which is suitable for mass production but risks significant contamination.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) already noticed significant and concerning clinical differences between products made using the different production processes. However, they neglected to take adequate action.

The journalists asked Pfizer why they changed their production method. The company refuses to answer this question and still claims that their product is not contaminated, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

In the meanwhile, researchers have analyzed additional batches and found that these were also contaminated.

An organization calling themselves Medical Treatment Association has tried to warn doctors of the contamination. However, the responsible ‘authorities’ have claimed this to be a false report.

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/_aussie17/status/1734886856838582489

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