Calley Means: There's a multifaceted attack that's taken over our health authorities

1 month ago

Calley Means: "Right now, 90% of our healthcare budget and nine out of 10 killers of Americans and the conditions that are plaguing, I'm sure many people in this room and many kids are chronic lifestyle conditions. That's what's plaguing America, right? Diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer, et cetera, these things are all exploding right now."

"And right now, when you are feeling a little sad, you get an SSRI. When you're feeling a little, your child's a little fidgety, they get the Adderall, which is one molecule away from crystal meth. When you have a little bit high blood sugar, you get the Metformin, 100 million prescriptions a year. When you're a little bit high cholesterol, you get the statin."

"My mom was on all those drugs. That's the average American. Many people here are on those. But that standard of care is a lie. The foundational premise of chronic disease is that these things are all connected. And that's not a lecture."

"And President Trump and Bobby Kennedy aren't lecturing the American people, but it's corruption because that is the clinical reality that depression is not a necessary deficiency and diabetes is not a metformin deficiency."

"There's a multifaceted attack on our metabolic health, whether that's the proliferation of pharmaceuticals, whether that's the fact that we let the tobacco industry buy our food industry in the 1990s and create the food pyramid and put 10,000 chemicals in our food that aren't legal in other countries and weaponize our food with seed oils and added sugar and highly processed grains."

"Whether that's the fact that schools put kids in a windowless room to where kids are so sedentary today that 77% of military-aged men are eligible from a physical fitness standpoint to join the military. The fact that there was an absolute unrelenting war on our child and our chronic stress you know, with our phones and from technology companies."

"And I always say this, and Bobby says this, there's nothing more profitable than a child's dopamine. There's nothing more profitable than getting them addicted to ultra-processed food, then getting them addicted to soda, which we subsidize with food stamps, then getting addicted to their phones, then getting them sedentary."

"So the fact of the matter is we've lost our way. We've let this institution, the food industry, which through just basic economics wants food addictive and cheap. We've let them take over our USDA, and we've let an industry that profits from Americans being sick take over our health authorities. This can change very quickly, and it's not about election."

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