Former MSNBC Analyst Mark Halperin Nails Who's Responsible For The Hunter Biden Pardon Fiasco

2 months ago

Posted • December 3, 2024: The Hunter Biden pardon is a done deal. He’s been issued a blanket pardon by his father, Joe, for any crimes that may have been committed between 2014 and 2024. It’s a trainwreck decision for multiple reasons for Democrats who now have no recourse regarding painting this man as a saint. It’s not about addiction—Hunter lied about the influence-peddling operation, as did his father. He was found guilty of federal gun charges and pleaded guilty to his tax issues this year. When the June gun convictions were handed down, Joe Biden was already thinking of a pardon despite what he was telling the media. Biden reaffirmed that the justice system operates differently for the wealthy and well-connected. It also bolstered Trump’s ‘drain the swamp’ mantra. Bringing back Trumpism stronger than ever, wrecking the country, and making sure his corrupt son didn’t go to jail will be his legacy.

Former MSNBC analyst Mark Halperin spoke about responsibility and accountability since those are two words liberals liked to throw around before they got embarrassed by the president with this pardon. He was very direct: We wouldn’t even be talking about this decision if Joe had made the responsible decision not to run again. (…)

• More at: Townhall - Ex-MSNBC Analyst Nails Who's Responsible for the Hunter Biden Pardon Fiasco

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