Free Reiner Fuellmich - And Every Day Groundhog Day! - PLEASE SHARE

2 months ago
148 is urgently seeking donations for Dr Reiner Fuellmich following his unwarranted extradition from Mexico to Germany and forced detention in Göttingen, in order to support him in all necessary matters. Funds will be used to alleviate the overall situation that is affecting Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his family who are in a extremely precarious financial situation and will provide adequate resources for Dr. Reiner Fuellmich to be able to defend himself and expedite his release.

In the event of Dr. Reiner Fuellmichs' release, any unused proceeds will be made available to to continue's work in accordance with its mission statement and objectives.

On behalf of ICIC and Dr Reiner Fuellmich, we thank you for your support and donations !
Gisela Pelzer |

To donate, here is the link for donations for legal and other expenses:

Lifelong loves. Creative stuff and good thinking. Human rights and animal rights. Reaching people. Doing what I can to help the world. Stories, poetry, music. Ideas. Being able to perceive, think logically and creatively, and take effective action.

Mirrored from 'The Exposé':

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