💊 70,000美国人每年死于芬太尼危机,还要继续容忍中共的掠夺?🔥🌏 全面关税倒计时已启动!全球必须行动!每个人都明白,中共国正处于危险边缘。现在是全球觉醒、采取行动的时刻!💊

3 months ago

💊 70,000美国人每年死于芬太尼危机,还要继续容忍中共的掠夺?
🔥🌏 全面关税倒计时已启动!全球必须行动!

💊 70,000 Americans die every year from the fentanyl crisis—how much longer can we tolerate the CCP's plundering?
🔥🌏 The countdown to comprehensive tariffs has begun! The world must act now!
Everybody understands that China's right on the edge. It’s time for global awakening and decisive action!

#班农战斗室 #芬太尼危机 #FentanylCrisis #GlobalTrade #推翻中共 #全球贸易 #WarRoom #TakeDownTheCCP 🌟

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