Satanic Ritual Abuse - The Blood Cult

3 months ago

This video provides details regarding the deep state using child sacrifice to gain power and wealth from satan. Abortion is also a part of their sacrificial game. Celebrities, politicians, church leaders and members, many you would never believe to be involved does this horrific act. Many are cannibals and wear red shoes made from human skin to show that they worship lucifer. From Comet Ping Pong, PizzaGate and FrazzleDrip, these beasts need to be exterminated from the earth. The thirteen bloodlines of the Illuminate started this abhorrent activity throughout history. Their beginnings started from an evil people from their homeland Khazaria, now referred to as Ukraine. Is it any wonder why the deep state continues to send money to Ukraine? Their horrific secret is now being exposed through Jeffrey Epstein and P. Diddy, just to name a few involved in this practice.

Why do millions of children disappear annually without a trace? Be prepared to be shocked while watching this video. You will understand soon while so many of us in the Q movement worked tirelessly to expose their wickedness. Will you fight with us to Save The Children?

Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children Is Widespread (From Child Abuse: Opposing Viewpoints, P 142-148, 1994, David Bender and Bruno Leone, eds. -- See NCJ-159823)
NCJ Number
C A Raschke
Date Published
7 pages

Annotation - The author verifies stories of child abuse practices as part of Satanic cult rituals, arguing that secret cults practice ritual child sexual abuse, mutilation, and murder as criminal black arts.

Abstract - He contends that Satanism provides a fertile field for such underworld activities as child pornography, drug dealing, and sexual abuse. The McMartin preschool case is described to demonstrate widespread child abuse, particularly in day care centers, and to challenge the myth of the 1960's which states that institutionalizing the care of children is not only harmless but also congruent with societal goals. Powerful interests who want the public to remain confused about the relationship between Satanism and sexual abuse are examined, along with the influence of Satanism in the underworld of child pornography, drugs, and sexual abuse.
The follwing excerpt was taken from source
A teenage girl, who was impregnated during a satanic ritual, is forcibly delivered of her nearly term baby and then made to ritually kill the child and eat its heart as cult members watch. Another girl, a small child, is sewn inside the cavity of a disemboweled animal and “rebirthed” by her cultic captors in a grotesque ceremony. A preschool class is systematically abused — sexually, emotionally, and physically — by members of a nationwide, nearly invincible network of satanic pedophiles and pornographers. A young girl is thrown into an electrified cage with wolves and ritually tortured to deliberately produce a “wolf personality,” part of her multiple personality.

These are but a few of the thousands of horrifying stories circulating throughout the United States and abroad. Some true believers in satanic ritual abuse (SRA) say that more than 100,000 “adult survivors” have undergone therapy and “remembered” these horrible abuses. Others more than double this number. These terrifying accounts are linked to the current public concern about child abductions by strangers, which true believers claim number in the thousands annually.

True believers say the conspiracy is almost invincible, covers the nation (if not the world), and involves key power players in the courts, education, politics, religion, and society in general. True believers provide unconditional support to alleged adult survivors whose therapeutically recovered “memories” typically implicate their elderly parents in heinous crimes including murder, cannibalism, sexual torture, incest, and bestiality. Some alleged victims bring their cases to law enforcement officials, hoping for criminal prosecution. Some obtain restraining orders barring their parents from seeing them or their grandchildren. Some cut all ties with family and simply disappear. A few begin new lives as television and radio talk show guests, sharing their gruesome stories from coast to coast during after-school television time. Almost all are in the midst of long-term, intensive therapeutic counseling. Many undergo dozens of psychiatric hospitalizations and take part in almost daily therapy sessions and support group meetings. Tragically, small children are sometimes snatched from their parents’ custody on the whisper of a suspicion that the parents may be SRA participants.

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