Recognizing the Devil's Strategies | Spiritual Warfare 101

2 days ago

To be able to understand the battle of spiritual warfare, we first need to begin with understanding and acknowledging that we are in an all-out war in the spirit realm. We are traversing further into the end, and as we continue, we need to be able to recognize this high-octane spiritual warfare that's happening as the war continues to intensify, understanding that the days are short, the enemy knows their time is running out & as a result, you're going to be subjected to more frequent battles and more intense battles. These spiritual battles are real, and warfare is real, even though we cannot see the attacker. But what we can do is educate ourselves on how the battles are fought and how they impact our lives on a daily basis. Jesus has already come and done the work for us, he came and conquered all the workings of darkness and made a public spectacle of Satan on the cross, so the war is already won in the heavens. On earth is where the battle still wages on until judgment, and our job is to manifest that victory, through the power of the Holy Spirit, on earth as it is in heaven. Once we understand that we are already seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, where the victory has already been established, then we can fight this battle here on earth with confidence knowing that all we have to do is manifest what's already done in heaven. So, we're fighting spiritual warfare knowing that we're already winners.

Knowing there is a war going on is a huge part of the victory. And God is revealing more & more about this spiritual battle every day for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Because the Bible says in the end, knowledge increase, and it's readily available for all those who are willing to search for it. Most people are afraid, and their lives are full of fear because they don't know what's there. They don't know what lies in the spirit realm. But once you realize that this warfare involves everybody, it's not some special calling and it goes on 24 hours a day. Once you understand that, you're going to want to know what's there. So why must we put on the full armor of God? So, we can take our stand against the devil's schemes. So, we are fighting directly against the plans and strategies of the devil. If there are plans, it means there is intelligence behind those plans. If there is intelligence, there has to be a personality behind it. All evil in the universe comes from personalities. There are human personalities and demonic personalities that influence humans. Demons are personalities that talk, listen, & they think, and reason.

WHAT IS THE NATURE OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE? It is a warfare against talking and thinking personalities. James 4:7 says resist the devil and he will flee from you. The kingdom of darkness is very organized and has organized networks to carry out its plans and functions in this war, just like an organized army would in the physical realm. And as the army of God, we have to start moving this way. Because we were intended to be organized just like they are, in fact, their organization is just a copyright of how we're supposed to maneuver because Satan is not a creator, he is an emulator. So, all their systems and networks, tiers, and hierarchies of the organization are just counterfeit copycat versions of the body of Christ and how the chosen army is supposed to be functioning and maneuvering. So spiritual warfare is learning to recognize the strategies of the enemy. It is refusing to cooperate with those strategies, and then aggressively resisting those strategies in Jesus' name. KNOW HOW TO RECOGNIZE THE ENEMY'S STRATEGIES. Ask yourself this question, WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE THE DEVIL? Look at the character of the devil. WHO IS HE? He's an accuser, a destroyer, and he comes to kill you. When you are able to discern things like these in your everyday life, you know that these are the strategies of the enemy and the functions he is trying to carry out.

As we ask God to shed some clarity on certain aspects of our lives, He can show us all the plans and strategies of the enemy. Then we know where to shoot in spiritual warfare, what to focus on, what to put pressure on, what to shine a light on, and really go to war against. Ask yourself, has something negative been happening in your life, family, or church for many years? If yes, open up your heart about these things to the Lord in prayer. Pray that He would open your eyes understanding to and show you the strategies of the devil in these areas. Then pray specifically to dislodge these strategies that the devil is trying to perpetuate. Understanding some things God may say to you and understanding some things or thoughts the devil may say to you is a huge component of spiritual warfare. Learn how you can distinguish the voice of God from the voice of the devil.

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