St. Germain's Teachings on Closing Out 2024 & Starting 2025 ∞St. Germain ~Daniel Scranton

2 months ago

Daniel Scranton
Copyright © Daniel Scranton

"I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I am here to instruct you, to lead and teach you, but not to be seen by you as a being that you must worship or even look up to in any way. I am no different from you, other than the fact that my consciousness is in a higher dimensional plane in this moment. That is the consciousness that you are connecting to in this way at this time. There are many different versions of me in many different dimensions and star systems, but you benefit most from connecting to this one, and I have a better command over the violet flame from this particular point in the universe where my consciousness dwells as this being speaking through this channel.

There are versions of all of you here. We in the higher realms are not just interacting with you as you are there on earth, but we are also interacting with you in your higher-dimensional forms and states of being, and we are having a very good time together. And we can tell you that all of us here in the higher realms love you with every iota of our being-ness. We know that everything is going to be all right for you, and we know that you are eventually going to find yourselves experiencing this realm as well. And in the meantime, we do teach you more with the vibration that we offer than we ever could with words or ideologies.

We do have some suggestions, however, for living your lives as you close out the year of 2024 and catapult yourselves into 2025. Be present with whatever you are doing and with whomever you are with. Be present. Bring all of you to the party, not just a portion of yourself. Do whatever it takes for you to do in order to relax and trust that everything is all right and you are on the right path. Speak your truth to those who are around you. You do not need to hold yourselves back because of what they might think of you. Be purposeful in your actions. Take action with purpose, not just for the sake of getting something done.

Be more creative with your thoughts. Do not allow previous missteps or failures, as you would define them to be, to limit you in your creativity and use of your imagination. Seek out alignment with your higher self and Source. You can find that alignment in a variety of different ways, and how you find it in any given moment will depend greatly upon that moment and what that moment is about for you. Be kind with yourselves. You are not going to grow faster by being hard on yourselves.

Do your best to see everyone else as a Source Energy Being who is doing the best that they can Accept, forgive, and offer healing energy wherever you see that it is needed. Know that you have all of us supporting you in all of these endeavors and many more. There is so much that you don't have to do because you are simply living in a time of transformation and a time of accelerated ascension, and we get so much done with you while you are asleep at night, that it would blow your minds to see it laid out in some sort of graph. Know that I love you, and I am not alone in my love for you, and rest at night with peace in your hearts.

Very good. I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

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