TGW: X-Men Legends II: Rise Of Apocalypse The Madri Temple RESTREAMED

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In this episode of X-men Legends II, 3 people Juggernaut, Scarlet Witch, Iceman infiltrate the Madri temple along with Wolverine, The team must confront The Stephord Cuckoos on why they are making World Leaders Unconscious, as soon as they enter the Temple they are confronted by Madri Priests, the priests accuse the team of Desecrating "their house of Worship" and having Impure Souls, The team ignores their banter and beats them down, They come across more Madri Priests, the team ask them where the Stephor Cuckoos are, The Priest responds in suprise saying they seek the "Trinity", The Priest says they would be foolish enough to attempt placing the Artifacts on the correct Altar, The Priest claims they would die before they could attempt it, and so the team beats those priests down, They find an Altar called "Altar Of The Heart" the team reads a scripture and it tells them to "give their Heart to The Madri Temple and it will give them power and Wisdom to bask closer to Apocalypse", basically they have to place an Artifact of the Heart onto the Altar, the team fight more Priests then they come across another Altar which is called "The Altar Of The Soul" the scripture reads "By setting an Artifact on this Altar it signifies that you contribute your spirit to the will and the master, Apocalypse" and so the team head off fighting more Priests, then they find another Altar called "The Altar Of Rage" the scripture basically reads you should give up all your emotions of Apocalypse or "Lord" so you can become closer to serve him, how about no.... Anyways the team fight more Priets then find a final Altar called "Altar Of The Body" scripture basically reads you should combine your strength with Apocalypse so that you can grow closer to becoming a servant, how about double No.....Anyways The team head over To The Hall Of Knowledge, and fight more Priests then unfortunately Scarlet Witch is overwhelmed and killed, the team head back to camp and revive her and continue the mission. but then during the mission Juggernaut!! also goes down! The Team temporarily continue the mission without Juggernaut, they eventually find The Body Artifact but no time to waste they have to revive Juggernaut and continue the mission, and that they do. The team explore the temple more and then unsuspectingly find Emma Frost! who is annoyed that the team made so much noise, they offer to join her but Emma refuses as she says "doesn't make as much noise as you do" and so the Team continue on to the next area, The Madri Cloisters, They investigate the area and destroy a Psionic Altar, Then all of a sudden a CUT happens! don't worry ThanksTank is here to help! The LAST 2 ALTARS are in The 'MEDITATION CHAMBER" and "THE DIVINE SANCUTARY" it is located in "THE MADRI CONCLAVE" The Team then find the last Altar and head back to The Madri Anti Chambers, They head over to the final area, The Monsastic Citadel, Emma Frost attempts confronting the Stephord Cuckoos but ends up getting Kidnapped by Apocalypse, The team confront Stephord Cuckoo, and the fight begins after the team defeat more of the Stephord Sisters a firey entity comes crashing down, its name is "Holocaust" (LOL) The Holocaust is mad that the "Interlopers" have interfered with "The Trinity" and so the team now battles this beast, which gains power by literally sucking the soul out of People, Stephord aids The Holocaust (LOL) in making him Invincible and so the team focus their attention on the Stephord Cuckoos again they eventually win the fight, and The Madri Temple is DISBANDED, Professor X congratulates the Team, The team move on to Act 4, Apocalypse had kidnapped Angel aka The Spy, and had made him a monster of his own, The Teams new headquarters are The X-Mansion but sadly what's left of it :(. many new missions are ready to begin the question is...are you gonna be tuned in for Part 14? the Beginning of Act 4? :)

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