Alchemical Elementalz ~ Hip Hop Mix with Visualz | Full Metal Athanor ((432Hz))

2 months ago

New hip hop mix dropping next week! Actually, maybe not due to copyrights and the fact I can't do livestreams these days due to this wack ass platform.. I can't even drop links to my other platforms where it is currently available due to this shit as well, so figure it out for yourselves if you're interested..

Welcome to the elemental hip hop athanor & distillery!! This 2 hour mix speaks volumes to the title and much to what it entails.. We're also touching on a bit of the elements of hip hop, and what I eluded to in a short reel recently in how the knowledge part has been absent from too many wack ass artists out there and just not emphasized enough in hip hop culture.. Going through the alchemical process is not something to glorify, brag about or virtue signal, especially if you have not truly gone through the meticulous stages involved.. This process is rather very destructive and painful- depending on the level of attachment one may have of their erroneous belief systems and their former self operating on too many falsehoods.

It's important to understand your astrological planetary placements and understand which elements correspond to them.. For example; your sun is Leo (fire sign), ascendant is Libra (air), Moon is in Aquarius (air), south node is Sagittarius (fire), and north node is Gemini (air).. So these 5 prominent placements and aspects in one's chart (it's actually mine) can reveal much about one's personality, life path, tendencies and much more.. So having predominant elements of air & fire, just think about how those two interact with one another on a practical level, as seen in nature, but also what those signs represent regarding intellect & creativity to put in short.. But then, understanding which elements are lacking, which doesn't mean we're incomplete because all the planets reside within us.. It's more about recognizing what we may have challenges with regarding the other elements, and to be fair, especially with my chart, all that fire & air took a long time to understand, temper & wield to betterment of self.

If you want a really good lesson on the elements & how they apply to our lives on a metaphysical level, check out Steven Mager's channel where he did a 4 part series going in depth about every element

I produced a mix that's somewhat similar to this in regards to fusing 2 concepts together via "The Spiritualosopher's Rossetta Stone," which has alchemical notions regarding the philosopher's stone. I also spoke about these things and the elements in a video titled alchemical gardening tips for your mental landscape.

Bottom line, alchemy is about making the darkness conscious, transmuting lead-based intellect into golden intelligence

There are 2 main videos that I sampled many quotes from and they are:
Cosmic Law of Alchemy by Sethikus Boza
De-Mystifying The Occult by Mark Passio
i currently cannot provide links to anything in the description with this channel compromised.
at the end, there's also: We are Elemental Beings from Godself

Much respect to the artists, who always keep the flames of inspiration lit for me!

AlchEmentalz TRACKLIST

Intro - Virtual Mind Fuck Odyssey - Sunspot Jonz
Listen - Goddess Alchemy Project*
Boom Baptizm - Ka Zodiak
My Definition - P-Way
Transmutation - Global Phlowtations
Together (Contigo) - Sub-Conscious **
What's The Science - Lil Sci
Mystics Realm - The Mystics
▲lchem¡¢ Mås†er¥ - Nu Vision Project
Ethereal Enigma: A Metaphysical Rap Opus - Bmac Mastermind
Elements (Demo Version) - Insane Cirkle
Elements - Jamalski & Roughneck Reality Massive
As The Water Boils - Solé
Bow & Fire - Blackaliscious
Mass Elements (instramission) - Gel Roc **
Alkemic Eclectic Storm - Darkleaf
Elemental Intermission - Various Artists
5 Elements - Dead Prez
Posture (snippet) - Mentors of The Aura
Elemental - CYNE
Graff (Interlude) - Dj Drez
Groundbreak-kin - Goddess Alchemy Project
Left Side of The Brain - Gift of Gab
Awethentic Awedio - Anacron
Four Elements - Loop Troop
Streams - Ill Nature
Mathmatics - Zion I
Fathoms (snippet) - Ill Minded
Mathmatics - Mos Def
Massmatticcs - Massinfluence
Tarot - Illuminati Congo
Elemental - Living Alliance Of Love
Rooftops and Rain - Pep Love
King Solomon's Bucket - Audiopharmacy
Book Of Three - Per Aa Ra ft KiloJoule, Hypnotic & Koncepts
Untitled - Knot Tight
Scapegoat - Atmosphere
Day To Day - San Francisco Street Music
Inseyedamah (Record Collection) - Esoin
Journey's Prelude Abicah Soul Remix - Elements of Life ft. Ursula Rucker
Kropz - Alchemy

*Mark Passio
**Sethikus Boza

Arranged, mixed, produced & video edits in 432Hz in La Ciotat on 8/24/24 by Derek Bartolacelli aka AwakenYaMind


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