Addicted To Convenience - One Great Work Warriors Roundtable

2 months ago

This is a topic that was really fun and interesting to prepare for & discuss.. There's something to the ways and products of yester-year- they may not be the most efficient, nor convenient, but they weren't plastic disposable/easy to break propducts we got today.. There were elements to it that made you appreciate the technology at the time- even if it was frustrating at times.. A lot of things are taken for granted these days as if people don't know where or how hard/long it took for technology to evolve to this point of facility.

Of course the marketing, advertisements & propaganda is full on like never before as well, and peopole are sold on extravagant ideas of convenience, which ain't always worth it, especially thru corrupt corporations, toxic products, and compromised values/environment..

We're not against things being convenient, we're more against the negative effects & means of it all and how it renders people who depend on it quite complacent, lazy and lacking skills/experience


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