This is awesome.

3 months ago

"Victor Willis, the singer behind YMCA, has released a message thanking President Trump for dancing to his song. He said the song has “benefited greatly” from Trump's use.

Willis also reiterated that the song is not a gay anthem and may sue news outlets calling it gay.

"Sadly, when the President-Elect started using the song, people attempting to brand the song as a gay anthem reached a fever pitch as many used it to say, "Oh, Trump doesn’t know the song is a gay anthem?" This was done in a manner to attempt to shame the President-Elect’s use of the song."

"As I stated on numerous occasions, I knew nothing about the Y being a hangout for gays when I wrote the lyrics to Y.M.C.A., and Jacques Morali (who was gay) never once stated such to me. In fact, Jacques never once told me how to write my lyrics otherwise I would have said to him, you don’t need me, why don’t you simply write the lyrics."

"I therefore wrote Y.M.C.A. about the things I knew about the Y in the urban areas of San Francisco, such as swimming, basketball, track, and cheap food and cheap rooms. And when I say, “hang out with all the boys” that is simply 1970s black slang for black guys hanging out together for sports, gambling, or whatever. There’s nothing gay about that.""

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