Year 1 Results | Ultimate Annuity Comparison MYGA rate vs FIA cap | 7 Year study | 6% vs 11% CAP

14 days ago

An Ultimate Annuity Comparison MYGA rate vs FIA cap | 7 Year study Nov 2023-2030 6% Fixed vs 11% CAP

YEAR 1 Results!
🥇FIA = $12,402.64 (11.05%)
🥈MYGA = $11,839.98 (6.00%)

The Ultimate Annuity Comparison 6.00% Fixed Rate MYGA vs FIA with 11% point to Point Cap.

How will a Fixed Indexed Annuity compare to a MYGA over time in a high interest rate environment?

7 Year case study Nov 2023-2030 of 2 fixed annuities purchased in November of 2023.

A time when interest rates and indexed caps were at or near 20 year highs.

THE FIA S&P 500 Index 100% Participation Rate 11.00% CAP (guaranteed for 7 year term) Annual Reset Annual Point to Point

THE MYGA 6.00% Interest Rate (APY) Compounding Interest PREMIUM $11,168.00 each. 🔔

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IMPORTANT INFORMATION This material is for informational, educational & entertainment purposes.
It is not a recommendation to buy, sell, hold or rollover any asset.
It does not take into account the specific financial situation, investment objectives, or insurance need of an individual person.
Withdrawals may be subject to ordinary income taxes and, if made prior to age 59½, may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty.
Surrender charges may also apply for early or excess withdrawals.
All guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuer.
Products are available only in all states where approved.

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