Funny Dog Gets Excited When Her Owner Asks Her If She Wants Chicken

6 years ago

There is nothing more hilarious than a dog who gets super excited over food! They really make not just the funniest, but also some of the cutest funny videos ever! Just take a look at this one, and you’ll see what I mean! It shows an adorable little dog who is about to get her favorite food treat - a yummy chicken! This cute furry pup is standing in a kitchen and waiting for her lady owner to feed her. The lady asks her dog if she wants some chicken, and her reaction is absolutely incredible! When this lovely pup hears the word “chicken,” she gets so overexcited that she starts spinning in circles first, and then she rolls around on the kitchen floor out of happiness! OMG, you have to see this! I have seen many adorable pups getting very excited about their food, but the one here really brings the game into the next level! LOL!

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