Is there an ideology of racial superiority in present-day Russia?

1 month ago

Article: Nazi Germany and Modern Russia. Part 6

Russian messianism is an idea according to which the Russian people are considered the only force capable of opposing "universal evil" and leading the rest of the world, including the idea of Russians as a nation of God-bearers. This emphasizes the universal character of the Russian idea, its sobornost (unity in religious and secular life) and universalism. It is argued that Russia has global significance and is important for the salvation of all Christians. Messianism is characteristic of Russian nationalism.

God-bearing nation

The "God-bearing nation" is an epithet used in a number of mystical and Slavophile doctrines to denote the Russian people as God-bearers (from the Greek Θεοφόρος) who fulfill a "great religious mission."

Archimandrite Theodore (Bukharev) emphasized that "Slavic Russians", whom he viewed as a God-bearing people protected by God and the Mother of God, had a special place in history. In his opinion, the historical mission of this nation was "to reveal the power of Orthodox Christianity to all nations".

Russian Orthodox fundamentalism includes a pronounced political messianism, stemming from the concept of "Moscow, the third Rome". It preaches the idea of the uniqueness of Russia seen as the center of
spiritual truth, virtue and piety, where Russians are a nation of God-bearers, that is, bearers of the true Orthodox Christian faith.

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#moscow #russia #god #Russian #Orthodox #messiah

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