Kim Osbøl: This is Why I Dont 'Celebrate' Christmas Anymore Part 2/21! [03.12.2024]

1 month ago

Original title: Shattered Paradise: Santa = SATAN! Fashion Runway to Hell: The Devil Wears BAALENCIAGA! [23.12.2022] (All source links below)

Note: Im gonna share/reload these '21' videos with source links so people can do their own research from today and forward to Christmas Eve 24 December 2024.

This is why I dont 'celebrate' Christmas anymore, Santa = SATAN!

And 99,999% of all Brainwashed Imbacil Moron people I know and meet including all my family still 'celebrate' Christmas... And when I tell them I can send the proof to them, they refuse to research it...

Welcome to my Fucking World!

kim osbøl 'Santa', Showing 10 of 21 matches, oldest first:
Santa = SATAN! Shadows and Chains: House of Bondage - Part 1

Shalom family, Pray all is well.

The Most High Yah has been revealing so much about the enemy we face, that we could spot the spirit of bondage before it had fully manifested and begun to make headlines.

Lest satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

They want to bind the next generation with spiritual and even physical chains so that our children can not bring forth good fruit and manifest the Kingdom of Heaven which lies within them.

Thank you for your patience and support!

We have a lot of exciting projects in the works right now, so we are working to confront and expose many of hasatan's agendas that the elite plan to implement in the Georgian year of 2023.

May Abba Yahuah richly bless and keep you.

Shattered Paradise
218K subscribers
14,548 views Dec 23, 2022

Shattered Paradise: Santa = SATAN! Fashion Runway to Hell: The Devil Wears BAALENCIAGA! [23.12.2022]
December 24th, 2022.

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