Cute Dog Asks His Human Friend To Pet Him

6 years ago

Oh, yay! I absolutely love dog videos, and when they're this adorable, I can't handle it. It's so cute! But, let's face it. Every dog video is precious, and most of them are absolutely hilarious. The one we have today is precious, cute and so funny. What a combination, am I right? If you don't believe me, you absolutely have to check it out. It will melt your heart for sure! The precious dog is sitting with his human friend on a couch, and he wants to be pet. Oh, what a wonderful sight! And how do we know he wants that? Well, his human friend is sitting with his hands crossed, and the dog keeps touching his arm so he would pet him. Eventually, his hooman friend gives in, and pets him, and the dog couldn't be happier. His master plan worked! Well done, little one. He's such a cutie.

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