Women's Health & Healing with Angelic ASMR

2 months ago

#womenshealth #cervical #diseaseprevention Receive the Rite of the Womb--guided ceremony--with angelic healing asmr to remove stress and trauma stored in the womb. We literally store pain, grief, stress, emotional, physical, and sexual truama in the second chakra, specifically inside the womb. That is why this one healing rite is SO important to restore the womb to its sacredness.
#spirituality #consciousnessshift #channeling #alternativemedicine

The Rite of the Womb is vital for every woman's overall health, but especially for avoiding cervical and uterine problems, thryroid issues, and breast problems, which are all linked to the womb chakra.

Prevent disease before it begins. This is the point of energy healing to put your body into a state of perfect wellness. The tragedy is when people don't use energy healing UNTIL they are already sick. Then it is more difficult to reverse, depending on the person's level of surrender and their consciousness.

Think to yourself now...
How much do you avoid touching or ignoring your lower stomach?
Have discomfort or are overweight in the lower belly?
Not able to create the life you want or stand up for yourself?
Indecision; inaction
Sexually overactivated / underactive
Gastrointestinal diseases and Intestinal ailments
Difficulty in giving birth
Low vitality
Cervical and uterine disorders
Breast, hormone, and thyroid disorders are also related

Those are many of the symptoms of an imbalanced sacral chakra, which is where the womb is centered. Restoring sacred space to your womb will help you to...
Flow with life, experience your emotions and pleasure, and open up to creativity are all possible when the womb is receiving your love and attention.

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✨ Soul Sanctuary: Small Group Healings ✨
REGISTRATION ►► https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ascension-circle-registration-1078623374549?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇⋆Small Group Healing
Channeled Divine Source Energy— to your specific challenges as well as buried emotional energies—which caused the challenges.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇⋆Personal and Collective Support— Guided Soul Journey and breathwork to do deep inner work of transformation and to polish the soul. The group also collectively magnifies the impact due to the shared energy alignment.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇⋆Stay Current with Shifting Energies— These sessions keep you attuned to the changing planetary energies—such as fear, overwhelm, or physical discomfort—supporting you through shifts that impact body, mind, and spirit.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇⋆Privacy and Focus— Your microphone remains muted ensuring privacy and focus within your sacred space. Cameras stay on to allow Cailin to connect with and see each individual.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇⋆Inclusive of Household and Pets— Family members and pets in your home are included in the healing energy if they choose to receive it.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇⋆Lasting Impact: Stay in the energy with the divinely encoded music playlist used in your session.

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If you love my free offerings 💜 For an energy exchange donation, please click the link below. I appreciate your support, as this will help me to keep creating 💖 paypal.me/cailinoconnor

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I have availability for Readings and Shamanic Energy healings. This will really clear and rebalance your entire system.

🌟 Siberian Stone Divination 🌟 Life Reading
Find out what's generating your current life circumstances from inner depths and unseen realms.
►► https://bookme.name/thehealingvisionary/lite/stone-divination

🌟 Shamanic Energy Medicine 🌟 A fast and powerful alternative medicine treatment.
Get help with the heavy lifting and necessary shadow work in gentle, heart-centered energy medicine treatments.
►► https://bookme.name/thehealingvisionary/shamanic-healing-session
I use Divine Source Light for powerful fast healing with interactive methods in shamanic energy medicine to empower and activate your life on all levels of mind-body-spirit.

🌟 Soul Plan Reading 🌟
A vast system from Atlantean times using gematria with the sound of your name in light language to uncover who you are here to be and what talents, goals, and challenges to focus your attention on for success in this lifetime.
►► https://bookme.name/thehealingvisionary/soul-purpose-reading
By working on yourself—your own inner landscape—your outer world also changes.

🌟 This type of powerful work is especially needed because, without healing the dark side and activating your highest destiny, things will play out as written in your fate upon entering this lifetime in your health and circumstances.

🌟 Please see the testimonials from other clients. This method really works. It has transformed my life and all others who seek this path of inner wisdom and connection.

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It is protected by the United States Constitution protecting Free speech.
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The Video Content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. The Healing Visionary does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the Video Content. The Healing Visionary does not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in any Video Content.

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