Woman red pilled by Docs trying to kill her with VAXX poison injections

1 month ago


"Well I have Covid yet again!! I am NEVER taking another shot no matter what the CDC says about them! I took. The first two then the booster last year! I have had Covid this will be my 5th time! Nothing has stopped me from getting it! Then when I got it last time they tried to kill me with their remedy! Put me in the hospital and I almost died from it!

So CDC no thank you… next time you offer a Covid booster I AM GOING TO DECLINE!!! I am going to take my Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and the rest of my vitamins I take regularly!! Forget your “Covid booster” I am DONE!! Thank you but no thank you!!!

On the other hand this stuff is like a sinus infection, it is what I actually thought it was. I went to Dr and said I have a severe sinus infection it is draining down my throat and now my throat is sore and my ears are trying to get infected. The nurse said “let’s rule out flu and Covid!” I said I have had Covid and flu this doesn’t feel like either! Sure enough the NP came back in and said you are positive for Covid! 😳😳😳 NO NO NO! She said this strand is a little different! It acts like a sinus infection! Or upper respiratory infection! Then she starts telling me what not to do!

🤦🏼‍♀️😳🤦🏼‍♀️ and that what I have been doing is what I need to keep doing … netty pot, nose spray, Flonase, vitamin D, zinc and vitamin C!! I take Tylenol for the aches and pains also!!!

Good luck anyone else who gets this junk!!!"

January 25, 2024


Ludovico Einaudi - Una Mattina



Mirrored - bootcamp

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