Power Web Physiotherapy Hand Finger Exerciser Imported

3 months ago

Biotronix Power Web Physiotherapy Hand Finger Exerciser Imported


Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, opposition, abduction, pro nation and supination.

Resistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and / or depth of finger insertion.

Both hands can be exercised at once, or a single finger isolated can be exercised.

Accommodates all hands sizes and strength levels.

Exercise coupled with proper resistance allows for full range of motion.

Power Web Hand Exerciser - For Wrist , Finger and Forearm

Power Web Hand Exerciser, Finger Exerciser for Physiotherapy, Hand Finger Rehabilitation Exerciser, Physiotherapy Hand Exerciser, Imported Hand Finger Exerciser, Power Web Finger Strengthener, Hand Therapy Exerciser

Contact us / What's app - 9711991264,9015251243,8076205625 ,8076549111
Website : www.solutionforever.com
EMAIL : biotronixcareinternational@gmail.com
ADDRESS : F-400, Sudershan Park ,Moti Nagar ,Near Gopal ji Dairy ,ND-110015
Location : Biotronix Care
097119 91264


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