Sour Grapes: Watch As Neil Degrasse Tyson Dumps On Elon Musk's Plan To Visit Mars

2 months ago

Posted • December 2, 2024: Remember when Neil deGrasse Tyson was going to be the next Carl Sagan? The Left held Tyson up as the apex of scientific thought and the future of the discipline. Instead, Tyson has turned into a massive wet blanket who likes to spoil Christmas by explaining how it's impossible for Santa to visit everyone on Christmas Eve and that we've 'misgendered' Rudolph. Bet he's a blast at the office Christmas party. Anyway. You'd think Tyson would be all in on space exploration, and that getting to Mars would be something he'd really, really like to see happenin. You'd be wrong. Neil Degrasse Tyson criticizes Elon's plan to go to Mars, saying "What's the return on investment? Nothing." -- Seriously? Nothing? We wouldn't learn anything? Expand human knowledge and space exploration? Let's be honest. He said this for one reason only: he doesn't like Elon Musk. And that, frankly, is sad.

Tyson is a pompous windbag with zero vision. If anyone else had a plan to go to Mars, Tyson would be on board for it. It is absolutely incredible to me to watch a man of science argue AGAINST space exploration simply because he doesn’t like the guy advocating for it. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Sour Grapes: Watch As Neil Degrasse Tyson Dumps on Elon Musk's Plan to Visit Mars

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