#14 | #LochteGate, LA Floods, Breitbart Advising Trump | Beauty & the Beta

23 days ago

Show streamed live on Aug 21, 2016
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

Want to help the Louisiana flood victims? Support here: https://www.braf.org/louisiana-flood-relief

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Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/beautyandthebeta
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Blonde's channel: http://bit.ly/23RrR3z
Blonde's Twitter: http://bit.ly/23RrQwC

skagg's Twitter: http://bit.ly/23RrR3A

Matt Lauer interviews Ryan Lochte: http://nbcnews.to/2bsRwvQ
HuffPo and Ryan Lochte's white privilege: http://huff.to/2bvxQvJ
NPR and Ryan Lochte's white privilege: http://n.pr/2bsWzMJ
WaPo on Louisiana Floods: http://wapo.st/2bsCW7N
Community help in Louisiana: http://bit.ly/2bvHpuO
Local rips BLM for not helping in Louisiana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OtzINU1iRs
Hillary's reaction to Trump hiring Breitbart co-founder: http://hrc.io/2bsTJHy
"No Woman's Sky": http://bit.ly/2bsZPrH
The "No Woman's Sky" article is indeed satire, thankfully: https://gyazo.com/ae944f12d3772a96035ac46a907881dc

Background music for Black Lives Matter montage by Kevin MacLeod: http://www.incompetech.com

Outro "Tale as Old as Time" acoustic cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh781xao27A

Email the show: beautyandthebeta@gmail.com

Thumbnail art by SugarTits: http://bit.ly/1Tsgboc

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