October Ambush #80 | MrBallen Podcast & MrBallen’s Medical Mysteries

22 hours ago

May 31, 2024 mrballen’s medical mysteries 2024
Saturday October 30th 2004, a man walked out of his suburban Virginia home and started walking down his driveway to get the newspaper. As he walked, he enjoyed the cool crisp air against his skin. This was one of the man's favorite times of the day, when just for a few minutes, it felt like he was the only person in the world who was outside; It was like everyone else was still sleeping. But that morning, he was wrong. He wasn't alone. Someone was hiding nearby, watching him, and waiting for the perfect moment to pounce
Stange ● Dark ● Mysterious
#mrballen #dark #history
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00:03 October Ambush
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#MrBallen #dark #Stange

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