The Wild Press Tour Behind Wicked's Box Office Triumph

20 hours ago

Wicked has broken box office records, but the press tour behind the film has been nothing short of chaotic! The cast, including Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande, have delivered emotional moments, awkward gaffes, and unexpected outbursts that have kept fans buzzing. From fan poster edits to confusing statements and viral tears, this press tour has become as famous as the film itself. Watch to find out what went wrong and right during Wicked's promotional journey.
Catch all the drama behind the scenes of this record-shattering film!

#WickedMovie, #CynthiaErivo, #ArianaGrande, #WickedPressTour, #MovieDrama, #WickedSuccess, #CelebrityFails, #Wicked2024, #EntertainmentNews, #ViralCelebrity
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