016 080's Commercials Volume 016

3 months ago

A bunch of commercials that aired on local CBS affiliate KMST on July 4th, 1986 and on NBC on November 13th, 1988.

1. Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital (I'm not sure about these newfangled MRI do-whatsits...)
2. Lewis Volkswagen (Low prices again...ouch)
3. Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk (I wish they still had freakin' Popeye walking around. I want my grandfather clock to be punched into a hundred pocket watches so bad!)
4. 1-800 OFF COKE (Cripes! These people remind me of my parents! Were all office parties in the 80's like this?)
5. Classico Pasta Sauce (Reminds me of these modern Olive Garden commercials where Italian Natives praise their authenticity)
6. Cadillac (Really going for the yuppie market here, I see)
7. Pantene Hair Products (With Kelly LeBrock from "Weird Science")
8. Downy
9. Levi's 501 Jeans (What an awful commercial)
10. Promo for "Too Good To Be True" (With Patrick Duffy and Loni Anderson! I'm pretty sure this is the sort of programming they have in Hell)
11. Beef (Only Madeline Kahn could've made singing about eating pot roast with a spoon look so easy)
12. Promo for "The Karate Kid Part II"
13. Macy's Casio Week
14. Taquitos at Jack in the Box (Funny how their logo hasn't changed at all)
15. Kellogg's Nut & Honey Crunch (That's the golden voice of Gary Owens announcing)
16. Cadillac
17. Grape Nuts (This one is from 1981 according to the date at the bottom)
18. U.S. Armed Forces (We can all take the evil forces of Cobra out together!)
19. Bacon Swiss Burger at Wendy's (I sincerely apologize for the lack of Dave Thomas here. Apparently he didn't grace Wendy's commercials until '89)
20. Promo for "Too Good To Be True", "Unsolved Mysteries", "Night Court" and "Baby Boom"
21. PG&E (Installing braille marked oven dials since 1988)
22. Arrow Shirts (Gotta love those loud 80's shirt designs)

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