Metropolis (1927) Screening & Discussion | Timeline Loop or Prediction? | Music & Influence

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Tonight I'll be screening Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927) from the Giorgio Moroder Cut of the film. This is was the cut released in 1984.

I saw this film when I was a child and it left a huge impression on me. I've been fascinated with it my entire life & come back to watch it regularly. I'm always amazed at the things I find on each viewing...themes of Moloch, Tower of Babel, Communism & Nazism...many things are subtly suggested (some not very subtly)...Lang expressed regret at his film for many years but it's proven to be a very powerful film for many even if he was left personally unsatisfied with it.

You've probably already seen many pieces of the film even if you've never actually seen the actual film or knew what it was. They've used pieces from it in many music videos and other films.

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