Three of man’s five children have jab induced myocarditis

2 months ago


Three of this man’s five children have severe heart injuries caused by their COVID jabs:

1. His physically active son Jordan (32) has both myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the sac around the heart). These injuries caused a permanent 30% loss of heart function. (Dead heart cells don’t regenerate, in contrast to other muscle cells.) He also required a pacemaker to keep his heartbeat up.

2. Jordan’s half brother (same father, different mother) also has both myocarditis and pericarditis, which nearly killed him. He had the same COVID jabs.

3. His young daughter has myocarditis and is losing circulation to her fingers.

The doctors aren’t denying these injuries could be from the jabs, but they’re not admitting it either. However, it’s not too difficult to put two and two together: this man’s children were all perfectly fine until their got jabbed, after which they SUDDENLY all got severe heart injuries which used to be extremely rare before 2021.

Why won’t the doctors openly admit the jabs caused the injuries? Because that would mean accepting a significant risk of losing their licenses. After all, anything negative about the holy injected elixir or anything that will decrease its uptake is considered a Thoughtcrime. Experience clearly shows Big Brother will cancel you for these.

If doctors lose their license, that’s worse than merely being fired. When you’re fired, you might be able to find work at another hospital, but if you lose your license, you won’t be able to practice anywhere in your country. This will not only hurt themselves and their families, but also the patients they’re helping.


Full 27-minute video by Cafe Locked out (segment starts around 3:00):

Hat tip to Kat A:

Mirrored - frankploegman

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