BEST Azure Standard Saving Tips + Our December HAUL!

3 months ago

We're sharing our top tips for saving money at Azure Standard, a bulk-buying food co-op that's perfect for large family homesteads like ours!

👉 Our Azure Referral Code: and enter code: DanielleJones15

👉 Last Azure Standard Haul:
👉 Huge Bi-Yearly $1,000 Haul:

From bulk buying pantry staples to making the most of their shopping options, we're diving into our favorite ways to stretch our budget. Plus, we're taking you along on our December haul, where we'll show you exactly what we're stocking up on and how we're making the most of our Azure Standard. Whether you're looking for better shopping ideas or just want to learn more about this amazing resource, you won't want to miss this video!

Our Amazon Affiliate Code:

519 I-30 # 724
Rockwall, TX 75087

⭐Connect With Us⭐

The Jones Family
Brian - dad
Danielle - mom
Brooke - 20
Bailey - 18 (Check out her channel:
Joshua - 15
Samuel - 13
Jonathan - 12
Rebekah - 10
Matthew - 8
Hannah - 6
Daniel - 4
Abigail - 1

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